First and foremost, it's essential to recognise that not all cloth filters are created equal. The material used, the way it is woven / loomed and the final thickness significantly influence not only the coffee's flavour profile but also the durability of the filter itself. For instance, the Aji Filter, a popular choice among baristas, is known for its fine weave and durable construction, allowing for a clear yet flavourful cup of coffee.

Besides the beter flavour you can extract from using Aji Filters, the most loved feature is it’s durabiliy. Here at Aji Filter we pride ourselves on innovating the coffee filter industry with reusable and sustainable alternatives to paper filters. By using high quality materials and a durable design our Aji Filters are able to last 2-3 years (double to 4 times longer than other cloth coffee filters).

How Long Do Cloth Filters Last?

Most cloth filters advertise their filters to last 6 months to 1 year. On average Aji Filters last 2-4x longer than other cloth coffee filters, this is due to the durable hand-loomed cotton paired with our design. Every Aji Filter is meticulously crafted with every side double stitched leaving no raw edges, fraying sides and no effect on taste.

When it comes to longevity in cloth filters, Aji Filter stand out. With proper care, they can last 2-3 years compared to other cloth filters that advertise 6months to 1 year. This extended lifespan is not just a testament to their quality but also a nod to their cost-effectiveness in the long run. For the daily brewer, this means fewer replacements, lower environmental impact and a consistent tasting quality cup of coffee over time.

Usage vs longevity

It's important to note that the lifespan of a cloth filter is directly tied to its usage. Frequent use will naturally lead to wear and tear. However, with the Aji Filter, even regular use doesn't significantly shorten its lifespan, thanks to its sturdy construction. The key is regular maintenance to ensure its longevity, regardless of the frequency of use.

How to Increase your Cloth Filters Life

Storage plays a critical role in the lifespan of a cloth filter. The best practice, as recommended for the Aji Filter, is to store it submerged in water in a clean, airtight container. This method prevents the growth of mould and mildew and preserves the fabric's integrity. Neglecting proper storage can lead to a faster deterioration of the filter, affecting both its performance and lifespan.

Aji Filter End of Life

All good things come to an end, even Aji Filters 🥺.

Here’s what you need to know when your Aji Filter’s time on this earth is up. Aji Filters are made from 100% Natural Cotton, Including the thread used to sew it all together. Because Cotton is a natural plant based material it is perfectly fine to compost and return directly back to the earth where it once came from.

Avoid Throwing Away 2000 Filters a Year

A recent research paper showed that 3 of 4 people drink coffee, and with 49% of coffee drinkers consuming 3-5 cups per day. That’s a lot of coffee and for each of those coffees that works out to be 1,095 - 1,825 filter papers wasted every year per person.

One of the most compelling arguments for using cloth filters is their environmental impact. By opting for a durable cloth filter like the Aji Filter, you can avoid the waste associated with disposable paper filters and the deforestation that comes with it. Imagine, with daily brewing, a single cotton coffee filter can save you from disposing of over 2,000 paper filters annually. This choice significantly reduces your environmental footprint and supports a more sustainable coffee brewing practice.

The use of cloth coffee filters, especially high-quality ones like the Aji Filter, offers a sustainable and cost-effective solution for daily brewing for the next 2-3 years. With the right care and storage, Aji Filters not only provide a superior tasting coffee but also contribute positively to environmental conservation.

Why We Made the Aji Filter

The creation of the Aji Filter was born out of a desire to enhance the coffee experience while honoring the environment. In a world where convenience often trumps quality, the Aji Filter stands as a symbol of mindful consumption, encouraging coffee lovers to slow down, savour the process, and enjoy a cup that's both delicious and responsible.


The Difference Between Alternative Coffee Filters


Aji Filter Plans for 2024